lunes, 8 de abril de 2019

Advantages of virtual communication for students and teachers. By Yurieth Lara and Carlos Pacheco

Advantages of virtual communication

Nowadays the advancement of technology and development of the internet has provide us tools, not just of communication but also to learn about other cultures and languages, now we have the opportunity to access to all kinds of information from your mobile device, play games, watch videos, read books and also make your own works. All these advances allows us use new ways of doing things and seeing the world, so we have to take advantages of it and use them in those areas that favor us, as teaching. Now teachers has different and interactive ways to transmit knowledge and make the class an enriching experience and make learning more interesting and attractive for students.
In this way we will eradicate the traditional model in classrooms and promote more dynamic classes, thus contributing to the country with future professionals in different areas, but more important in education; teachers with a desire to teach and not just wanting to earn money.

Teaching strategies using technology can be more effective to facilitate the develop of students’ learning and boost their capacity, productivity and critical thinking. The integration of technology in education has been having a positive effect due to the implementation of new methods. So, then we will mention some advantages of technology to learn a new language:
  • Years ago the only way to learn a new language was by making small stays but it was not always possible, but now the internet allows us to get closer to natural environments or at least approach them in virtual environments.
  • Without internet, we couldn’t have the accessibility to any type of information as we have it now. This have become a great advantage, the moment we hear about something that we have no knowledge of, our instinct is to search in Google immediately.
  • With help of technology, students enjoy learning. The internet can distract them for the learning process but you can also use it as a tool to make them participate of the class, using presentations, interactive games and online practices.
  • Technology can makes collaboration more effective, you can organize work groups and assign projects , so they can do their tasks at home connecting with other classmates. 
  • Educational technology has become an environmentally friendly method, because using digital books and texts, sending their written works by email avoids the use of paper.
  • The internet facilitates us to develop scientific, labor, educational, economic activities, among others. Therefore, as teachers we can design o prepare activities to develop in the classroom with the students with the objective that for them learning is more fruitful. 
  • In addition to learning another language, the internet allows us to be closer to other cultures, which is very enriching when we are in the process of learning a language.
  • Even with the internet students can perform tasks from their homes or different places using, for example; using Drive or many other applications that facilitate communication.
  • Virtual reality is a simulation of physical reality, therefore for students to learn another language through virtual tools will feel real and this facilitate learning.

martes, 26 de marzo de 2019


Resultado de imagen para slack

What is slack?

Slack is a team communication tool created by Stewart Butterfield, Eric Costello, Cal Henderson, and Serguei Mourachov. Slack combines communication and team collaboration in one place, increasing classroom productivity, make progress the projects, gathering the students, conversations, tools and information you need. 

You can use Slack to:

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  • Communicate with your students and organize your conversations by topic, project or by anything else that matters in the way you develop your classes.
  • Send a message or make a call to any person or group.
  • Share and edit documents and collaborate with your students.
  • Automatically archive the conversations and files on your computer or your cellphone.

How can we get Slack?

We can get this app in google play. You can download it on your cell phone or use it online.

How can we Slack in the classroom or with our students?

The teacher can create a group in Slack with their students to communicate with them in a group or individual way, to give them instructions, to inform them about something or simply to congratulate them for their work.
For an activity in classes the teacher can make a forum, he proposes a topic that he considers interesting for the students and they make their comments on the topic, they write what they think and feel.

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